Strength coaching
Strength coaching at infinity performance
Here at Infinity Performance, we're here to help you achieve your fitness goals with our in house, or online strength coaching.
Whether you’re just getting started with training and know you have a goal to get stronger, or, you’re one day hoping to compete in powerlifting, the sky's the limit when you have a strength coach at Infinity Performance.
We have helped countless individuals build lean muscle mass, increase their overall strength and endurance, and achieve a healthier lifestyle, all with the right style of coaching tailored to your body type, limitations and strengths.
Our in-house and online strength coaching services are designed to help you:
Build lean muscle mass and increase overall strength
Improve your overall physical performance during sport and physical activity
Reduce the risk of injury
Improve your confidence and self-esteem
Prepare for competing in powerlifting competitions
Strength coaching at Infinity Performance is ideal for individuals of all fitness levels, whether you're just starting out on your fitness journey or you're a seasoned gym goer looking to take your training to the next level.
At Infinity Performance, we're committed to helping you achieve the results and goals that you want.
Our in-house and online strength coaching services are backed by satisfaction, so you can rest assured that you're making a true investment in your health and fitness. Find out how just one out of many of our clients made huge moves by finding their passion for lifting…
Strength training client
Lisa wasn’t at all confident in the weights area and never been before in the gym. As a busy surgeon she’s never found the desire to lift weights at all.
When she came to me she only wanted to focus on weight loss and possibly learn about how to lift.
After she lost 20lbs and gained significant muscle, and within a year of training, she excelled in her lifting and as of 2023, competed in her first powerlifting competition.
This story has inspired many women to not be afraid of the weights section and makes some realise just how strong they can be.
What are you waiting for?
You don't have to be confident in the gym for strength coaching, in fact you don't even need to have experience on the gym floor at all. Our in-house or online strength coaching is open to anybody who has the desire to get strong and even compete.
If you're ready to start seeing serious changes, contact Infinity Performance UK today for a consultation and let's talk about your goals, together.